5. Main Interface

Orgparse is a callback interface. These functions will handle the various parts of the org file.

5.1. Struct

5.1.1. Declaration

typedef struct orgparse orgparse;
struct orgparse {

5.1.2. Init

void orgparse_init(orgparse *op);
void orgparse_init(orgparse *op)

5.1.3. Size

When using is opaquely.

size_t orgparse_size(void);
size_t orgparse_size(void)
    return sizeof(orgparse);

5.2. Callbacks

All callbacks have the same first 3 arguments: a generic pointer, the string, and the length of the string.

5.2.1. Header

An org header. In addition to the header name, also supplies the header level.

typedef void (*orgparse_header)(void *,
                                const char *,
orgparse_header header;
op->header = NULL;
void orgparse_set_header(orgparse *op, orgparse_header f);
void orgparse_set_header(orgparse *op, orgparse_header f)
    op->header = f;

5.2.2. Text

This function is anything that isn't formatted text.

typedef void (*orgparse_text)(void *,
                              const char *,
orgparse_text text;
op->text = NULL;
void orgparse_set_text(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_text(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->text = f;

5.2.3. Code

Text that is defined inside the codeblock tags.

orgparse_text code;
op->code = NULL;
void orgparse_set_code(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_code(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->code = f;

5.2.4. Bold

Text that is defined inside the bold tags.

orgparse_text bold;
op->bold = NULL;
void orgparse_set_bold(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_bold(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->bold = f;

5.2.5. Italic

Text that is defined inside the italic tags.

orgparse_text italic;
op->italic = NULL;
void orgparse_set_italic(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_italic(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->italic = f;

5.2.6. Underline

Text that is contained inside the tags.

orgparse_text underline;
op->underline = NULL;
void orgparse_set_underline(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_underline(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->underline = f;

5.2.7. Code Block

Text inside of a code block.

orgparse_text codeblock;
op->codeblock = NULL;
void orgparse_set_codeblock(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_codeblock(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->codeblock = f;

5.2.8. Aux

A special non-org tag, used for interpolated code in tags @!and !@.

orgparse_text aux;
op->aux = NULL;
void orgparse_set_aux(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_aux(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->aux = f;

5.2.9. Newline

The newline callback gets called anytime there is an empty line, which means an explicit line break is needed. For convenience, the orgparse_text callback is used, though the arguments will be unused and set to NULL.

orgparse_text newline;
op->newline = NULL;
void orgparse_set_newline(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_newline(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->newline = f;

5.2.10. Name

Handles a 'NAME' command.

orgparse_text name;
op->name = NULL;
void orgparse_set_name(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_name(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->name = f;

5.2.11. Title

Handles a titlecommand.

orgparse_text title;
op->title = NULL;
void orgparse_set_title(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f);
void orgparse_set_title(orgparse *op, orgparse_text f)
    op->title = f;

5.2.12. Link

typedef void (*orgparse_link)(void *,
                              const char *,
                              const char *,
orgparse_link link;
op->link = NULL;
void orgparse_set_link(orgparse *op, orgparse_link f);
void orgparse_set_link(orgparse *op, orgparse_link f)
    op->link = f;

5.2.13. Paragraph

The pargraph callback gets called anytime a paragraph block starts or end. For HTML generation, this will be in charge of generating p-tags.

A paragraph starts when a new text block begins, and ends with a line break, or major mode change (such as for a code block or header).

typedef void (*orgparse_pgrph)(void *, int);
orgparse_pgrph pgrph;
op->pgrph = NULL;
void orgparse_set_pgrph(orgparse *op, orgparse_pgrph f);
void orgparse_set_pgrph(orgparse *op, orgparse_pgrph f)
    op->pgrph = f;

A paragraph begins with orgparse_pgrph_begin. A paragraph ends with orgparse_pgrph_end. Note that neither of these functions actually check to see if they are supposed to be beginning or ending. That logic is done elsewhere.

void orgparse_pgrph_begin(orgparse *op, void *ud);
void orgparse_pgrph_end(orgparse *op, void *ud);
void orgparse_pgrph_begin(orgparse *op, void *ud)
    if (op->pgrph != NULL) {
        op->pgrph(ud, 0);

void orgparse_pgrph_end(orgparse *op, void *ud)
    if (op->pgrph != NULL) {
        op->pgrph(ud, 1);

Paragraphs do not end at the end of a file. It will need to be ended explicitely. This used to be done with a function called orgparse_wrapup, which worked by checking a return flag and adding a paragraph. This ended up being too simplistic and limiting, and has since been removed..

A new version of orgparse_wrapup is used, this time taking in an orgparse_state variable. We'll call it orgparse_end.

This was created because the single rc flag (txtmode) alone was giving some false positives, and rogue paragraph ends were happening.

This new function checks both the txtmodeand newline flags. A paragraph end will only happen when the newline flag is not set.

void orgparse_end(orgparse *op,
                  void *ud,
                  orgparse_state *state);
void orgparse_end(orgparse *op,
                  void *ud,
                  orgparse_state *state)
    int rc;
    rc =
        state->flags->txtmode &&
        state->flags->newline == 0;

    if (rc) {
        orgparse_pgrph_end(op, ud);

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