Protogestling Mockup

Protogestling Mockup

This is the ProtoGestling test video. It speaks a pseudo-language called "blipsqueak", and has its face constructed using the protogestling drawing primitive.

This is the script that generates the video. It's prototype code so things are... quite messy. But, it does enough to get a sense of what a gestling could feel like, what's currently possible, and what can potentially be improved.

blipsqueak = require("blipsqueak/blipsqueak")
val = valutil

-- setup audio
lil("blkset 49")
-- lil("valnew mouth")
-- lil("grab mouth")
-- lil("biscale [sine 0.2 1] 0 1")
-- lil("tog [metro 2]")
-- lil("valset2 zz zz")
-- lil("drop")
local bs = blipsqueak
comp = bs.components(bs.load_components())
phrase = {"HELLO", "IAM", "PLEASED", "WELCOME"}

-- I updated the morpheme duration scaler, so this ended
-- up breaking (the scaling values were too high).
-- I don't think it really worked to begin with
-- pitchseq = "h1/ k2~ h1/ d h i2~ h4_"
-- temposeq = "d1/ f d4 c"

pitchseq = "h1_"
temposeq = "d1/ c"
bs.speak(comp, phrase, pitchseq, temposeq)
lil("mul zz [dblin -6]")
dup; dup;
bigverb zz zz 0.8 8000
dcblocker zz
mul zz [dblin -20];
add zz zz

os.execute("mkdir -p tmp res")
lil("wavout zz tmp/protogestling.wav")

lil("gfxnew gfx 200 320")
lil("grab gfx")
lil("gfxopen tmp/protogestling.h264")
grab gfx
gfxclrset 1 0.0 0.0 0.0
gfxclrset 0 1.0 1.0 1.0
bpnew bp 200 320
# face
bpset [grab bp] 0 0 0 200 260
# text
bpset [grab bp] 1 0 260 200 60
# main
bpset [grab bp] 2 0 0 200 320

# bpoutline [bpget [grab bp] 0] 1
# bpoutline [bpget [grab bp] 1] 1
bpline [bpget [grab bp] 1] 0 0 200 0 1
bproundrect [bpget [grab bp] 2] 0 0 200 320 16 1

lil("bpget [grab bp] 0")
face_reg = pop()
lil("bpfnt_default font")
lil("bpget [grab bp] 1")
msgbox_reg = pop()
lil("grab font")
font = pop()
lines = {
    "Why Hello there!",
    "I am a Proto-Gestling.",
    "Pleased to meet you.",
    "Welcome to Cauldronia!",

total_length = 0

for _,ln in pairs(lines) do
    total_length = total_length + #ln

function protoface(reg, shape)
    mouth = shape[1]
    left_eye = shape[2]
    right_eye = shape[3]
        mouth[1], mouth[2],
        left_eye[1], left_eye[2],
        right_eye[1], right_eye[2])

wide_mouth = {0.9, 0.3}
thin_mouth = {0.9, 0.1}
small_mouth = {0.1, 0.1}

big_eye = {0.3, 0.9}
round_eye = {0.3, 0.3}

thin_eye = {0.1, 0.9}

mouth_shapes = {
    -- 0
    {wide_mouth, big_eye, big_eye},
    -- 1
    {thin_mouth, round_eye, round_eye},
    -- 2
    {small_mouth, big_eye, round_eye},
    -- 3
    {wide_mouth, round_eye, big_eye},
    -- 4
    {thin_mouth, round_eye, big_eye},
    -- 5
    {small_mouth, thin_eye, thin_eye},
    -- 6
    {wide_mouth, round_eye, big_eye},
    -- 7
    {thin_mouth, round_eye, thin_eye},
    -- 8
    {small_mouth, thin_eye, round_eye},

test_shape = 0
prev_face = nil

function lerp(curval, target)
    local speed = 0.2
    curval = curval + ((target - curval) * speed)
    return curval

function lerp_face(curface, target)
    mouthlerp = {
        lerp(curface[1][1], target[1][1]),
        lerp(curface[1][2], target[1][2]),
    leyelerp = {
        lerp(curface[2][1], target[2][1]),
        lerp(curface[2][2], target[2][2]),
    reyelerp = {
        lerp(curface[3][1], target[3][1]),
        lerp(curface[3][2], target[3][2]),
    return {
        mouthlerp, leyelerp, reyelerp

local curface = nil

function draw_face()
    local shape = math.floor(val.get("mouth")) + 1
    -- local shape = test_shape + 1
    lil("bpfill [bpget [grab bp] 0] 0")

    if (curface == nil) then
        curface = mouth_shapes[shape]

    curface = lerp_face(curface, mouth_shapes[shape])
    protoface(face_reg, curface)
    -- protogestling.face(face_reg, 0.9, 0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.3, 0.9)
    -- protogestling.face(face_reg, 0.9, 0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.3, 0.9)

function draw_textblock(lines, textpos)
    for pos, ln in pairs(lines) do
        local lnsz = #ln
        if textpos < lnsz then
            lnsz = textpos
        protogestling.textline(msgbox_reg, font, 10, 10 + 10*(pos -1), ln, 1, 1, lnsz)
        textpos = textpos - lnsz
        if textpos <= 0 then
            return pos, lnsz

function get_next_char(lines, lpos, cpos)
    cpos = cpos + 1
    if cpos > #lines[lpos] then
        lpos = lpos + 1
        cpos = 1

    if lpos > #lines then
        return nil

    return string.char(string.byte(lines[lpos], cpos))

speed = 5
pause = 30
timer = speed

txtpos = 0
nframes = 60 * 10
fpos = 0
for n=1,nframes do
    if fpos == 0 then
        fpos = 60
        test_shape = test_shape + 1
        test_shape = test_shape % 9
    fpos = fpos - 1
    lil("compute 15")
    local lpos, cpos = draw_textblock(lines, txtpos)
    lil("bproundrect [bpget [grab bp] 2] 0 0 200 320 16 1")
    lil("grab gfx")
    lil("gfxfill 0")
    lil("bptr [grab bp] 0 0 200 320 0 0 1")
    lil("grab gfx")
    lil("gfxtransfer; dup")

    timer = timer - 1

    if timer <= 0 then
        local nc = get_next_char(lines, lpos, cpos)
        if nc == '!' or nc == '.' then
            timer = pause
            timer = speed
        txtpos = txtpos + 1
        if txtpos > total_length then
            txtpos = total_length

lil("gfxmp4 tmp/protogestling.h264 tmp/protogestling.mp4")
os.execute("ffmpeg -y -i tmp/protogestling.mp4 -i tmp/protogestling.wav -pix_fmt yuv420p -acodec aac res/protogestling.mp4")