


ZetDoc is a simple format that allows streams of connected ideas to be written in a staging document, which can then be batch-uploaded and tagged into the zet.

After everything is all imported, zetdoc will create an entry of the zetdoc, containing a list of all the message UUIDs created, separated by spaces. This can then be used to programatically regenerate the document using the wiki.

The motivation behind zetdoc is to make information more granular and connected.

Example Usage

@gtags big_idea

This is a chunk talking about a particular thing. Even
though there are line breaks, it will be treated as
one chunk.
@tags little_idea information

This is another chunk. It will also get tagged with
=big_idea=, before getting tagged with local tags
@tags secondary another


ZetDoc works by grouping sentences into chunks. Each chunk gets stored as a message.

Chunks are separated by empty lines (only containing a line break). Line breaks between text will be treated as spaces.

Messages that are created can be tagged using the @tagscommand. This command should be at the beginning of a new line. Following @tags should be all the tags for the message, separated by whitespace.

When tagging, ZetDoc will look for existing tags in the zet's database. If it doesn't exist, it will automatically create a new one.

Global tags are a set of tags that get used on every message. These get set with the @gtags command, which behaves the same way as @tags.


To make a task, write a message and use the "@task" command. This will make the message a part of the zetdo task system.

TODO implement the task feature in zetdo.


The zetdoc commandline utility is written in Janet, using the version shipped with Weewiki. It cannot be run using vanilla Janet, as it contains several functions defined by WeeWiki.

This script is intended to be run from the top-level directory of the Brain Zettelkasten, and is typically invoked like this:

u/zetdoc z.txt

Where z.txt is the name of the zetdoc file to be imported.

#!/usr/local/bin/weewiki janet
# given a tag name, return the UUID
(defn get-tag-uuid [db var]
 (def q
  (sqlite3/eval db (string/format `
wikizet where value is '@%s'
LIMIT 1;` var)))

 (if (= (length q) 0) nil
     ((q 0) "UUID")))

# check if UUID1 is tied to UUID2
(defn is-linked? [db UUID1 UUID2]
 (def q (sqlite3/eval db (string/format `
UUID is '%s'
AND value IS '#' || '%s') as exist;
 ` UUID1 UUID2)))
 (if (= ((q 0) "exist") 1) true false))

# generate UUID
(defn gen-uuid4 [] (ww-zet-uuid-gen))

# unconditionally link UUID1 to UUID2
(defn linkit [db uuid1 uuid2]
 (sqlite3/eval db (string/format `
wikizet(time, UUID, value)
VALUES('-', '%s', '%s');
` uuid1 (string "#" uuid2))))

# tie will create exactly one connection from
# UUID1 to UUID2, if it doesn't already exist.

(defn tie [db UUID1 UUID2]
 (if (not (is-linked? db UUID1 UUID2))
     (linkit db UUID1 UUID2)
     (print (string/format
        "%s is already linked to %s"
        UUID1 UUID2)))

# create a new message and return its UUID

(defn mkmessage-uuid [db msg uuid]
 (sqlite3/eval db (string/format `
wikizet(time, UUID, value)
VALUES(datetime(), '%s', '%s');
` uuid (string/replace-all "'" "''" msg)))

(defn mkmessage [db msg]
 (mkmessage-uuid db msg (gen-uuid4)))

# make a new tag and return the UUID.

(defn mktag [db name]
  (mkmessage db (string "@" name)))

(defn get-label-id [db]
 (def uuid (get-tag-uuid db "labels"))
 (if (nil? uuid)
  (mktag db "labels")

# get a tag's UUID. automatically make a new one
# if it doesn't exist. This will get linked to the labels
# group

(defn get-tag [db name label-group]
 (def uuid (get-tag-uuid db name))

 (if (nil? uuid)
   (def new-uuid (mktag db name))
   (tie db new-uuid label-group)

# push a tag onto a group, and make sure it isn't
# already there. This is done by exploiting
# the key/value nature of tables.

(defn push-tag [db tag group]
 (set (group tag) true))

# remove a tag from a group, if it is there
# apparently setting to nil removes it
(defn pop-tag [db tag group]
 (set (group tag) nil))

# resolves and pushes tags in array to group
(defn push-tags [db tags group label-group]
 (each t tags (push-tag db (get-tag db t label-group) group)))

# parse a file and load it into string chunks
# single line breaks become spaces
# Any lines starting with '@' become commands
(defn parse-file [filename]
  (var x @[])
  (def fp (file/open filename :r))
  (def cmdbyte ((string/bytes "@") 0))
  (var chunk @{})

  (loop [line :iterate (file/read fp :line)]
    (= (line 0) cmdbyte)
      (if (nil? (chunk "cmds"))
          (set (chunk "cmds") @[]))
      (array/push (chunk "cmds") (string/split " " (string/trimr line))))
    (= (length line) 1)
      (array/push x chunk)
      (set chunk @{}))
    (set (chunk "msg") (string (chunk "msg") line))

  (file/close fp)

(defn link-message [db msg gtags ltags msgids]
    #(print msg)
    (def uuid (mkmessage db (string ">" msg)))
    (array/push msgids uuid)
    (each tag (keys ltags) (tie db uuid tag))
    (each tag (keys gtags) (tie db uuid tag))

(defn mkstate [db mid TODO-id]
 (mkmessage-uuid db (string "$state:#" TODO-id) mid))

# process structure created from parsed file
(defn parse-structure [db p]
 (var gtags @{})
 (var msgids @[])
 (def label-group (get-label-id db))
 (var zetdo-id nil)
 (var TODO-id nil)
 (each chunk p
  # process commands, if any
  # gtags populates global tags
  # tags creates local tags
  (var ltags @{})
  (var mktask false)
  (if (not (nil? (chunk "cmds")))
      (each cmd (chunk "cmds")
        (= (cmd 0) "@gtags")
         db (array/slice cmd 1 -1) gtags label-group)
        (= (cmd 0) "@tags")
         db (array/slice cmd 1 -1) ltags label-group)
        (= (cmd 0) "@task")
        (set mktask true)

  # if there is a message, add it to the zet,
  # replace newlines with spaces, and tag it
  #(print "Message:")
  (if-not (nil? (chunk "msg"))
    (def mid (link-message
              (string/replace-all "\n" " " (chunk "msg"))
    (if mktask
      (if (nil? zetdo-id)
          (set zetdo-id (get-tag db "zetdo" label-group)))
      (if (nil? TODO-id)
          (set TODO-id (get-tag db "TODO" label-group)))
      (tie db mid zetdo-id)
      (mkstate db mid TODO-id))))))
 (def zetdoc-uuid
   db (string "$zetdoc:" (string/join msgids " "))))

 (each id msgids (tie db id zetdoc-uuid))
 (print zetdoc-uuid))

(defn run [filename]
 (def db (sqlite3/open "a.db"))
 (parse-structure db (parse-file filename))
 (sqlite3/close db))

(def args (dyn :args))
(if (< (length args) 2)
 (print "usage: zetdoc doc.txt")
  (run (args 1))))

Relevant Pages

zetdoc_index: generated index of named zetdoc entries

zetdoc: main page for the zetdoc format.